Three Freedoms Under the Magnifying Glass: June 29 – July 27, 2023

Belgrade, 28 July 2023


Violations of basic freedoms in Serbia

June 29 – July 27, 2023


The previous period in Serbia was marked by a large number of cases of freedom of speech and assembly being jeopardized, which became a trend since the “Serbia against violence” protests were held every weekend across our country.

Targeting the family of student Pavle Cicvarić in the Serbian Parliament because of his speech at the protest certainly caused a public uproar and united all students and a broader part of the public, who stood by Pavle and condemned this kind of endangering his family.

Another video appeared on social media in which journalists from independent media outlets are labeled as traitors and hatred is incited towards them. Furthermore, representatives of television N1 and Nova were held behind locked doors to prevent them from entering the room where the Prime Minister, and denying them the opportunity to ask questions.

You can find more details about these cases in the full report below.


You can see all previous reviews here.

* The dynamics of publishing the report will depend on the current situation.