Author: WP@dmn

Download the analysis "The Freedom of expression and media freedom in Serbia in the process of EU integration" Civic Initiatives   Freedom of expression and freedom of the media represent one of the basic human rights and the foundation of every democratic state.   Freedom of expression and media...

Belgrade, December 10, 2018 - This analysis was done with the aim to systematically and through practical examples describe the space for the operation of civil society in Serbia in the past five years. This year, for the first time since the democratic changes on...

Association "Moms know how" was established with the aim of promoting the business of women entrepreneurs and their linking at the local and regional level, exchange of ideas and skills, as well as acquiring competencies for successful internet operations. Vladana and Mina won the Social Innovation...

KID Hub is engaged in education through workshops and courses, as well as by producing educational tools that encourage the development of a new generation of innovators through entrepreneurial learning in the IT sector. Kid HUB is led by Tijana Jovanović Petrović, who founded this...

Belgrade, August 22, 2018- What to do after leaving prison? How do you fit back into the surroundings from which you are coming? How can people from your surroundings accept you again instead of looking at you as a former convict? Where to find a job...

On 19-20 March, BCSDN members met in Pristina, Kosovo, for a strategic workshop on the Monitoring Matrix, co-hosted by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF), to solidify the network’s position and efforts undertaken in the monitoring and advocacy on the enabling environment. Under the theme “The...

Within the CONCORD HUB3 Spring Meeting in Brussels, which took place this week, the 13th of March was devoted to Promoting civil society space. The event, jointly organized by CONCORD Europe, BCSDN and Fond Romania/Black Sea NGO Forum, was an effort of European civil society development organizations to...

Zaječar is very close to the border of Bulgaria and Serbia. Due to its geographical location this city is ethnically mixed, but it's also on a migrant route to a better life. The misfortune brought by the war is very well known to us from the...

Vuka Tešanović from association Health Path says that her village is the most beautiful in the world and that its beauty should be seen by all tourists. The key topics she deals with are ecology and promotion of rural tourism. Health Path gathers 10 active...

Why not have a richer cultural life in the neighborhood? It was an issue that has bothered us for a long time and motivated us to do something in the local community. For the first time we developed an idea, wrote it with a lot...